I can’t believe this headline on the Chicago Tribune’s web site:
Epstein: ‘It’s postseason or bust every year’
Theo, Theo, Theo. Whom are you trying to kid? 104 years since the last World Series win. 101 losses in 2012.
“We’re building for something greater,” Epstein says. Greater than what, Theo? Greater than a 101-game-losing team? Are you serious? It shouldn’t be hard to win more than 61 games; on the other hand, this is the Chicago Cubs we’re talking about.
Maybe those poor souls who have tickets for the Cub convention are buying this crap, but I can’t imagine that anyone else is.
Gimme a break, Theo. I’ll believe it when I see it. Maybe.
One question, Theo: Are you f***ing kidding me?!?
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